Diablo II Cheats
Diablo 2 Cheats

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Diablo 2 Cheats

Retrieve items after death
Save and exit the game after dying. Restart the game, and your corpse will be in town, allowing you to retrieve your possessions.
Avoid death situation
Press [Esc] when facing imminent death, then save and exit the game. Load the game again to start in town, where you can buy weapons, life, etc.
Gain money and items quickly
Travel past the Blood Moor and look for a cave. The cave has two levels, with a golden chest somewhere at the second level. Inside are usually health potions, mana potions, scrolls of town portal or identify, unidentified weapons and armor, and sometimes even a rare item that can be sold for a great deal of money. If you identify the item and it is something that you do not want, sell it. Save and exit the game. The next time the game is loaded, the chest will still be there with different items. This can be done as many times as needed.
Infinite one way portal
Cast a Town Portal from a safe location, then take the portal into town. Use the waypoint system and run to get back to your last location. This allows you to use the portal to go back into town an unlimited number of times as long as you do not use it from town to return to where you were previously.

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